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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Days 144-212 of 365 Days of Thankfulness

So We have had a very long difficult summer.  Riley spent all of June in the hospital and as such I had a hard time finding things to be thankful for.  I have listed that time as one entry.  I am also going to do a thankful thing per week for July, there will probable be multiple item on each date set.  After this post I am going to go back to finding one thing a day to be thankful for.

6/2-6/24: I am grateful for all of the doctors, nurses, and staff that saved Riley's life and took such good care of her.

6/25-6/29: I am grateful to have Riley home. And for my mom for staying overnight at our house for the few days that we were home so I could get some sleep.

6/30-7/6: I am thankful to live in the USA.

7/7-7/13: I am thankful that Kyle is off midnights.

7/14-7/20: I am grateful for my wonderful friends.  I am thankful that Riley's swallow test showed that she is not aspirating anymore.

7/21-7/27: I am thankful to be on vacation with my family.

7/28:-8/3: I am thanking that Riley is super cuddling when she is not feeling well.

8/4: I am thankful that Riley is finally feeling better after being sick for a week.

8/5: I am thankful for a quiet day off of work to spend with my girl.

8/6: I am thankful that Riley is health, happy, and home.

8/7: I am grateful for coffee as I really needed it today.

8/8: I am grateful that today Riley climb up 2-3 steps with very little help.