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Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Great Sippy Cup War of 2013

Our household is embroiled in The Great Sippy Cup War of 2013. And I am sad the admitted that the 3 year old is winning.

Riley was never bottle fed. She went right from her G-tube to a sippy cup. You can read more about that journey in this post. And when we picked out a Sippy for her then we went with this Munchkin cup.

It also came in one that was bigger with no handles:

Riley will drink from either one of these without a problem.  The problem now is that Munchkin doesn't make that exact cup any more.  They change it to this cup:

Which looks very similar.. I know.  But my Riley can tell the difference.

Her cups mouth pieces look like this:

And the new cup mouth piece look like this:

It is wider.  It also is more floppy.  The part that the fluid comes out of is lower on the new cups.

So she won't take that cup.  I now am the proud owner of 13 different kinds of sippy cups.  And she refuses all of them.  Some of them she chooses to throw across the room when offered them.

Our collection of sippy cups.

We have tried other soft tipped cups:

And a few cups with straws.  But she doesn't know how to suck on a straw.  And I am kinda of at a lost as to how to teach a child that doesn't understand everything I say to her had to suck on a straw.

I have even gotten a few cups that open spouts.  But I am afraid to just offer her these as she throws her cups and leaves them on their sides on the floor.  And I am sure that I will be cleaning up more milk than she drinks.

So the search continues.  If any one has an suggests on a cup to try I am all ears.  I may have lost all of the battles so far, but I will win the WAR!!!!!

Riley: 12
Mommy: 0

1 comment:

  1. we have a few I think.. We could swap with you? Fun thing is Annie will ONLY drink out of straws, but doesn't get that really she doesn't do it very well. It's a mess someday.
