


**The information provided in this BLOG is in no way intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. This information should never replace the advice of a doctor. Please use this information as you see fit. This information will pertain differently to each child, each adult, and each family.**

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Having more children

So both my husband and I have been asked several times recently whether  or not we will have more children.  And if we do if they will have the same issues that Riley has.  Now the second questino is a little harder to answer then the first.  But we do want to have more children, it just is a question of when.

I have one brother and my husband is one of 4.  We think we would like to have 3 kids, I want more then 2 and 4 seems like alot with every thing that we have to do with Riley. 

With the T18p Riley will probable not walk or talk until she is like two and half.  So we would like to give her a full two years of it just being her before we have more kids.

As for whether any additional kids would have the same thing as Riley.  We are not really at an increased risk we don't think for more.  That being said there is still a chance, so there is testing that we can do early on to know whether or not a new baby has T18p or not.


  1. Hi Katie! Glad to see that you're over here on blogger with some new entries! Would you mind if I posted a link to your blog on my ? I'm always excited to be able to follow another Tet18p family. Hope that you guys are doing well!

  2. that would be great if you put my link on your page
