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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gait Trainer

My daugther amazes me everyday.

Kids with T18p don't normally start walking until two and half years old.  So because of that Riley gets PT once a week.  About a month ago her PT brought in a gait trainer.

A gait Trainer allows Riley to walk around even though she is unable to stand on her own currently.  At first she was able to move it backwards alittle bit, but it was not deliberate.  But on Sunday night we put her in it and she as moving forward all over the place.  I decided to see if I could get her to deliberately move forward.

So I grabbed her most favorite thing right now . . . bubbles and sat on floor.  And look what happened.

She moved it all the way across our KITCHEN.  I was sooo proud of her.  She is making great strides and it makes my heart soar every time I see her do something tI have never seen her do before.

1 comment:

  1. She's so tenacious-look at her go! We got Alexander's a few months before his birthday and decorated it for Halloween. He really enjoyed trick or treating and our neighbors really loved seeing him moving around on his own. Are you able to take her outside in it for walks? Its kinda cool to see them explore a different place than home. : )
