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Friday, September 2, 2011

Letting the Nurses go

Now that Riley is almost 2 months out from her trach removal, Kyle and I feel secure enough in her airway to let go the nurses, that we have had since she came home from the hospital.  Our last day of nursing will be Sunday.  I thought I would be more nervous about being on our own, but I am pretty calm about it.  Monday night may be different, but right now I am good. 
We just got back from our 1st family vacation last week and we used that as a test run to be without the nurses.  We had Riley sleeping in our room in a pack-n-play (which she did not like sleeping in) and she did well and so did we.  We also have a video baby monitor, which I think are wonderful.  We can look in on her without actually having to go into her room and risk waking her up.  Plus she is still on a pulse ox monitor, which alarms if her oxygen level goes below 92 for more then 5 seconds. 
She has come so far in 18 months that she has been home.