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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


As may times as I tell myself that I can't compate Riley to other kids, I do still fidn myself doing it.  This past weekend we visited with teo sets of our friends both we young kids.  One has a 9 monhts old who is crwaling all over the place and pulling himself up to stnading.  He is also walking using the table or a walking/pushing toy.  The other one is 8 months old but he was born 11 weeks early, so his corrected age is like 5 months.  He was sitting better then Ri and looked like he would start crawling any day now.

While I super happy for both of my friends it makes me a bit sad that Ri is almost 18 monhts and is not doing some of those things.

She is reaching her own milestones.  We have starting introducing Gerber puffs to her and plan in the next couple of weeks to start her on some solid foods.  I hvae  ablog about her feeding started so I will talk about that is a separate blog.  But in the last couple of days she has starting picking up the puffs with her whole hand and putting them in her mouth.  She has also learned to to turn off the light in her bedroom and thinks it is the funniest things.

I know that Riley is doing great.  But every parent wants their child to do the best they can.  My head knows that Ri will reach her goals when she is ready, but it still hurts my heart a bit to see what other kids her age can do and when a child younger than her can do things that she can't.  When she does do something new it makes my heart saor with joy.  I am waiting for the next soaring moment.

1 comment:

  1. Your doing an awesome job, and I think it's only natural to want the best for your child. As parents we will never know what our child will face at different times in their life, and Ri is learning so young that she can face anything like she is now because of her parents wonderful support.
    you're amazing!!
