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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 1 - Project New Me

Day 1

So today was spent cleaning my entire house.  It is amazing how much of sweat you can work up cleaning.  I did ok with my diet, but not so much with the cheating.  Tomorrow is a new day.

Current weight 184lbs

So here are my goals:
1. Drop 5lbs
2. Work out every day even if it only for 10 minutes (Number of days in a row of working out: 1)
3. Drop 10lbs
4. Follow my diet (Number of days in a row of following diet: 1)
5. Drop 15lbs
6. Don't cheat, ie no candy (Number of days in a row of no cheating: 0)
7. Drop 20lbs
8. Drop 25lbs
9. Drop 30lbs

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