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Thursday, February 21, 2013

20 Days of Thankfulness

So hopeful this will be the last of these group days of thankfulness, but I have a feeling not.  I will try my best.

2/1: I am thankful for the app GoodReads.  I have found a bunch of new books to read and I am always looking for a new book or series to read.

2/2: I am thankful that I got to eat streamed crabs today and spend the day with some good friends.  Ending the evening playing with a massive car track.  And when I say massive I mean take up of entire basement.

2/3: I am thankful for the big RAVENS WIN!!!!!

2/4: I am thankful that I have some great friends from high school that I still get together with.  It is awesome that we all still make the effort to see each other.

2/5: I am thankful for the new thyroid medication the I am taking that helps me stay awake at work.

2/6: I am thankful that this is Kyle's last night of midnights.  I get my weekends back, no more being quiet so he can sleep.

2/7: I am thankful fro how good Ella (our 90 lbs Rottweiler) is with Riley.  She lets Riley climb all over her and she just lays there/

2/8: I am thankful that my family is coming into town for Easter.

2/9: I was thankful to have a huge project at work done.  I was not thankful to go in on a Saturday for 12 hours, but the project is done so it was worth it.

2/10: I am thankful for an extra with Kyle before he has to start day work again.

2/11: I am thankful for my future sister-in-law.  I went out with her this evening and I always have such a good time with her.

2/12: I am thankful for YouTube, it has so many funny videos that can brighten up my day when it seems like it will never end.

2/13: I am thankful to have a wonderful husband who is going to sit though a girlie movie Valentine's Day just for me

2/14: I am thankful that I was able to send Valentine's Day with my hubby for the first time in several years.  And we had a sitter too.

2/15: I am thankful for a long weekend.  I have a 4 day weekend.

2/16: I am thankful to having seat warming in my car back.

2/17: I am thankful that Kyle is mechanically inclined and was able to fix one of cars so we did not need to replace it.

2/18:  I am thankful that Riley is able to play on her own.  I was sick all day and was able to lay on the couch dozing in and out all day while she played on the floor.

2/19: I am thankful that my godson Ian is doing so well in his feeding program.

2/20: I am thankful that I am done catching on my days of thankfulness.  I really need to do these everyday, it is really hard to remember that I was thankful for 20 days ago.

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