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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

"Typical' Toddler

I spend alot of time thinking about how different Riley is from other children her age.  But this weekend and tonight she reminds me how the similar she is to children her age too.

On Sunday we went over to the playground that is across the street from our house because two of the other kids who are around Riley age and understand Riley's differences were out playing. After swinging on the swings and sitting and watching the other kids run around (Riley loves doing this) it was time to go in and have dinner.  So we said goodbye and the other kids were going in too.  Well Riley was not ready to go in.  She is threw a fit.  She pulled my hair and tried to bite me.  It made me realize that this was behavior that other "typical" 3 years would do.

Then tonight at bath time Riley decided that Mommy needed bath too.  She would splash around then turn and smile at me, then splash me again.

She amazes me everyday!

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