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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Finding my motivation

I am trying to set myself up to succeed this time with my weight loss.  I have spent the evening trolling the internet and pinterest looking for exercises that I will be able to do at home when Riley is around. I am making sheet to hang around my house to remind that exercise does need to take forever and that I can do small things while doing other things and get moving a bit everyday.  

I have one sheet that I am going to hang in my bathroom that are things that I can do while brushing my teeth and getting ready in the morning.

Another is going to hanging near my TV for things that I can do while watching TV, during commercials  and playing with Riley.  

And a third one will hang in my kitchen for things I can do while making dinner..

After I print all of these out I am going to laminate them so they won't get ruin or ripped by Riley.

Starting weight: 185 lbs
Current weight: 187 lbs
Goal weight: 145 lbs

So here are my goals:
1. Drop 5 lbs
2. Work out every day even if it only for 10 minutes (Number of days in a row of working out: 1)
3. Drop 10 lbs
4. Follow my diet (Number of days in a row of following diet: 1)
5. Drop 15 lbs
6. Don't cheat, ie no candy (Number of days in a row of no cheating: 4\3)
7. Drop 20 lbs
8. Drop 25 lbs
9. Drop 30 lbs
10. Drop 35 lbs
11. Drop 40 lbs

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