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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Journey to 13.1 miles

So I am a bit late with a New Years Resolution but I find that since the arrival of my beautiful 14 month old daugther I am having a hard time being on tine for anythign.  So here it is... my goal is to finish a half marathon.  If my training goes well maybe even a full marathon.  I am hopeful that this will be a year of great changes for myself and my daugther.  If have come across this blog and don't know my daugther's story look for a separate entry for her story, for she has her own interesting story to tell.  So back to me and my journey.  Since I know myself and have tried before to set a goal of losting weight and failed.  I have decieded instead to set some specific goals.

Goal 1: Be able to run unstop for 1 mile.
Goal 2: Be able to run unstop for 3 miles
Goal 3: Run/exericse 3 days of week
Goal 4: Start marathon training
Ultimate Goal: To finish a race

So there we are and lets hop I can follow throught on this.  Wish me luck.

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

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