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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New weight loss plan

So I have not done much in the way of lossing weight or getting ready to run in a marathon. And I hit a bot of rock bottom and have finally realized that I really need to loss some weight.  I am at an all time high on my weight, my joints have started bothering me, and I got winded the other day walking up the stairs.  I am not even 30 yet, this is a big problem. 

So as of yesterday, I am going to start walking every day at work and am increasing the amount of water that I drink, and limiting my snacking.  I am also going to start working out with my daugther (ie taking her for walks, dancing with her, actively playing with her) more than I have been.  I am hoping that some of these things will help me to drop some pounds and motivate me to move even more.

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