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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Days 100-105 of 365 Days of Thankfulness

4/18: I am grateful to one of my coworkers.  After listening to me get not great news about Riley's sleep study and she decided that I needed to get out of our office and took me to lunch.

4/19: I am grateful to our ENT's assistant.  She was able to get us on our favorite ENT's schedule quickly without alot of fuss.

4:20: I am thankful for my sisters-in-law and mother-in-law they invited me to go shopping all day and I was able to enjoy myself without worry about everything going on with Riley and her sleep study.

4/21: I am thankful for my husband who does alot of home improvements.  He redid our deck this weekend and it looks wonderful now.

4/22: I am thankful to Riley's pulmonologist for fitting us in for a refit for a new mask for Riley's CPAP machine. 

4/23: I am thankful for the quiet evening I get to spend with Riley.  She amazes me everyday.

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